Elements of Worship Service
Curious what to expect as a visitor during our Sunday worship service? Below is a general outline of what makes up our weekly service:
Songs of Praise To express and declare our love for God as a congregation, we sing to God songs of praise, both contemporary and traditional. Use these songs to reflect on God and express to Him your feelings and thoughts.
Offering As we grow in our stewardship of the time and talents God gives us, we also bring our financial gifts. We bring offerings and tithes joyfully as our continued act of worship. Checks should be made out to Parkwood Community Church. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Prayer The congregational prayer provides the opportunity for public prayer regarding the needs of our church family, the surrounding communities, and the world.
Scripture Reading As a church, we believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. Each Sunday the pastor’s sermon is based on a specific passage from the Bible.
Sermon The speaker (pastor or guest speaker) will bring a message rooted in Scripture.
Benediction At this time, the pastor proclaims the “good words” of God. His blessings in our lives and an exhortation to serve God in response to His great love for us. We will have a moment to reflect or pray as the worship service formally ends.
Communion Every first Sunday of the month, we celebrate holy communion together. By partaking of the bread and the cup, we remember Christ’s sacrificial death, until he returns.

We have a YouTube channel! You can watch recorded sermons.
Acts Series
2023 Series
Women’s & Men’s Fellowships
The women and men of our church gather monthly for Bible study, fellowship, and food. If you’re interested in joining the email list, contact the church office (officeadmin@christcovchurchvp.org).